Saturday, 6 October 2012


Photo Credit: NunatuKavut
Photo Credit: NunatuKavut
The Government said it will not sanction the Muskrat Falls project until after the Decision Gate-3 numbers are in, until Manitoba Hydro International has submitted its review and until after the debate on Muskrat Falls in

the House of Assembly has concluded. 

Photo Credit: NunatuKavut
Photo Credit:NunatuKavut
What do you see in these photographs?  Perspective is always shaped by bias. But, photographic evidence is compelling even to those in denial.

Perhaps you believe that Nalcor should forge ahead with Muskrat Falls regardless of what anyone believes.  Perhaps you believe that, since Government money is involved, a lower standard of scrutiny is acceptable. If you dare think that public money does not deserve to be treated as if it were your very own, you have chosen a slippery slope.

What ever your thoughts about the viability of Muskrat Falls or how you feel about millions of dollars public money being spent in this way, or whether you are upset that the Government has offended the Rule of Law by ignoring the legitimacy of the Public Utilities Board, I suggest that you not take your democracy for granted. 

This time its Muskrat Falls; next time, it may involve an issue you feel strongly about, where another Government decision impinges upon your sense of fairplay and the sanctity of your democratic institutions. 

Yes, those photos confirm that the Muskrat Falls project already under way, notwithstanding the commitments Dunderdale and co. have given the public to not proceed with construction until official sanction. Perhaps, like me, you probably see more. 
Photo Credit: Clarice Blake Rudkowski
I see a Government that is so determined to build Muskrat Falls, that it has already started work without legislative sanction, without adhering to the commitments previously given. I see a Government that is flaunting the democratic process. I see a Government in contempt of the Legislature. As far as the Dunderdale administration is concerned: the public be damned! 

Spending by Nalcor is proceeding at the rate of $12-15 million a month. The Nalcor President says he wants project sanction by the end of the year. Who does he think he is?

Has Premier Dunderdale no shame?