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Monday 7 March 2022


 Last week’s post by Ron Penney, a member of the negotiating team that hammered out the terms of the “Atlantic Accord” for the joint Federal/Provincial management of NL’s offshore oil and gas, ought to remind us of its importance and hard-fought origins.

It should raise concern, too, that a process that began under Premier Paul Davis, with an amendment to the Atlantic Accord Implementation Act (the slippery slope) in 2015, was compounded in 2019 when the Feds made changes to their environmental legislation, which the Ball Government refused to oppose, which effectively gave the GoC control over offshore environmental assessments. This was not the intent of the Accord.  When the Feds stop approving Development Plan Applications, what is the function of the C-NLOPB?

Penney’s post is required reading for other reasons, especially for a broader understanding of how GNL has let this vastly important economic tool be subverted under the guise of national interest by Federal Cabinet Ministers content to sacrifice NL’s economic prospects in the service of dubious and unfairly distributed environmental objectives.

Those environmental objectives omit consideration of our interests and favour those of Central Canada and B.C., just as they protect their politicians’ backsides.

Of course, Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia are chiefly placard wavers for climate change; the loudest are constituents who want last year's gas prices, while they clog up GHG emitting air travel with trinket and apparel orders on Amazon and Shopify.

It must be wonderful that their more influential Cabinet Ministers get to download the burden on far less politically powerful – though, admittedly, more poorly led - provinces like NL.

NL, for its part, has one of the lowest carbon footprints on the globe. Point me to a history of environmental stewardship in this province as remotely abusive as that of industry in Central Canada!

Problem is, NL’s politicians, federal and provincial, have been co-opted into this corrupt paradigm because it plays to their partisanship and other loyalties, their insecurities, to their blatant stupidity, and to their lack of imagination as to NL’s place in Canada.

In this context, a CBC story posted February 10, 2022 illuminates our enormous leadership vacuum though, not to anyone’s credit, it received less attention than if a hole was discovered in Mrs. Murphy’s pease pudding bag.

The CBC reported that Bay du Nord “will not proceed without approval from Ottawa, with Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault expected to decide next month whether to give the project the environmental green light”. The report added that “Guilbeault is caught between opposing sides of the debate around the cabinet table…that several Liberal ministers from Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia want to reject Bay du Nord.”

Note that a critical part of our economic future is a matter of debate? Where? Not here. 

Your destiny is being arbitrated in Ottawa and you have no say, seek no say, in the matter.

Federal Environment Minister Guilbeault under arrest

The CBC informed on Friday, March 4th that the Federal Cabinet needs another 40 days to decide. Perhaps, the holdup is not whether to destroy our economy but if we should be towed out and sunk, too.  

Of course, the earlier news story says it all.

Andrew Parsons didn’t speak to the issue last time, choosing only to release a statement that expressed support for Bay du Nord.  

A more able, engaged and energetic Minister would have gotten on a plane for Ottawa to, if necessary, kick down the door of Minister Guilbeault’s office (he would be familiar with those tactics) to tell him that he may have succeeded in helping Greenpeace scuttle the seal fishery, gotten arrested at some anti-oil protest, but when it comes to making decisions for this province, Quebec, Ontario and B.C. can both jump in the nearest river.

Even if the idea entered his head – and it wouldn’t - Premier Furey would have warned him of a deckhand’s position opening up on the Ferry to North Sidney.

Then there is lame Shamus. The CBC story said the Minister could not comment because the project is "under active review."

Is the man even capable of more? He could, at least, have been honest and said  “under review…by outside interests”.

And from the second NL Minister, Gudie Hutchings? 


Not one, but two gutless wonders!

No NL politician – and, regrettably few others - remember that it was the Federal Government that mismanaged the fishery and watched it collapse, destroying or undermining in the process, a large swath of rural NL.

Equally, few - and not to their credit - are capable of recognizing that the Feds are going to destroy urban NL by destroying its offshore oil sector.

Where else would such a catastrophe be permitted to transpire, except among a sleepy public temporarily overfed by small dollops of federal largesse and borrowed money?

If Ukraine was depending on the kind of leadership Premier Furey inspires, Putin would have been served his borscht ten days ago.

The CBC story contained another warning worth noting. It said “While Ottawa can approve or reject the project, Radio-Canada is reporting a third option is being considered: using Bay du Nord as a negotiating tool to shape the future of the offshore industry.” It continues: “In exchange for an approval, Radio-Canada reports, Ottawa could demand the province limit its production in the future or put an end to oil exploration after Bay du Nord.”

Now Mister, can you just imagine if the Flemish Pass was closer in proximity to the St. Lawrence River that Quebec would permit Ontario and B.C. to decide their economic future?

Do you think that Premier  Francois Legault would sit passively, as Andrew Furey is doing, waiting for the Feds to decide, only to be told to silently wait for another 40 days?

Forget Chernobyl. Think Bruce or Darlington.

You may not always like Quebec’s tactics, but Quebecers don’t stupidly sacrifice long-term, fundamental provincial interests in the service of momentary, self-serving, vindictive and ill-considered Federal political objectives.

Not NL. We’re stupid enough to think that’s how you get ahead. 

A little reminder of how the Feds play this game….

On Monday, April 1st, 2019 Premier Dwight Ball announced, in his own words, “an agreement that ensures Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are the principal beneficiaries of their offshore resources, strengthens how those resources are developed through joint management, and will also achieve electricity rate mitigation.”

Ah, yes, “rate mitigation”, that sale of self-reliance for more debt that Furey and O'Regan signed onto a few days ago.

The funny part is, Ball didn’t need to do anything to make sure that we were “principal beneficiaries”. That was secured in 1985.

Ball (and Davis) only succeeded in squandering what was won by deferring to the Guilbeaut’s of Canada who deride and take advantage of pushovers like those two and Andrew Furey.

Premier Furey is picking up where Ball and Davis left off.

He wants a NL that is dependent and deferential; he wants to smile, do photo ops and let Canada take care of us. It is not in him to remind his public that we have a duty to take care of ourselves, to make decisions in OUR interest.

Meanwhile, the NL public is silent, NOIA is silent, the Unions are silent. Let's not threaten the next Federal cheque, eh b'ys!

Speaking of leadership….

It is truly heartwarming – even reassuring - to watch President Zelensky of Ukraine in a time of enormous tragedy and human cost, helping keep Ukrainians stay inspired, resilient, and determined.

In this province, after the offshore is shut down and the Liberal Party of Canada doesn't need our few Parliamentary Seats, the public won’t be learning how to make Molotov Cocktails, as Ukrainians are doing to preserve their independence.

We’ll be too busy watching Premier Furey - and our two useless Federal Cabinet Ministers - run for the hills.
