At first one
might think that the axing of the popular writer, actor, comedian, and teacher should
be treated as just another change in the minutiae of operating a radio station,
and that cancellation of one of three shows is not a matter for those outside
of corporate media to bother their little heads over.
But that is
not the case.
this decision by Steele Communications, the radio station’s owner, is the huge void that exists in a province bereft of public affairs analysis. After all, VOCM does news as
poorly as the other media.
A deft
handler in the art of self-promotion — FIRST WITH THE NEWS IN NEWFOUNDLAND — V-O,
as it is colloquially known, has never really earned a reputation for
anything more than getting the Press Release or the news conference on air
That is a
tip to a news culture that speaks to bottom-line conscious management and good logistics.
It says nothing about news content or analysis. Still, to be fair, when it
comes to the fulfilment of what broadcasters owe the public for their licences,
all of them should issue daily mea culpas to the CRTC.
VOCM is a reader of Press Releases. It compensates
for this deficiency on some level with its series of open line shows — often
using the best cuts in its news segments. Though the open line concept was
born in the days when reporters asked real questions — "How did that make you
feel?" was never thought a weighty interrogative — it is now more important than
ever. In the age of info-tainment and a corporate culture that leaves little
room for distinction or initiative, they have become an essential
part of the news landscape.
Talk show
hosts are not reporters, but the airspace they inhabit pays heed to notions of political
transparency and accountability. A plethora of issues, that would not otherwise
see the light of day, are assessed or simply given public exposure. When unwarranted
deference is paid to politicians, senior bureaucrats, and business interests by
the paid scribes, you can be certain that some member of the public is calling ‘open
line’ to undress the emperor.
When the
scribes are fearful — which is always — of being denied political access or
worse, when they are in mortal fear of their bosses’ singular preoccupation
with advertising budgets, at least there is the possibility that one of the more
venturesome open line hosts is undeterred by the risk of temporarily losing the popular audience to boredom.
No one
should think that the overseers of VOCM lay awake at night wondering if they
have done enough to erase the democratic deficit or to accommodate naysayers in
their mission to challenge government’s fecklessness, obfuscation and deceit.
Equally, no
one should think that what one hears on an open line show is always interesting,
informative or accurate. But then, everyone needs reminding that, among the
bevy of reporters chasing the next storm or fire truck, or checking the dimensions
of Spring’s asphalt-deficient creations, accuracy always enjoys less zeal than does the
cheapest titillation. For that
reason, when reporters are busy being busy, talk shows provide the rarest of
opportunities for members of the public to speak truth to power.
The mere
fact that so much time is spent by overpaid PR types at Confederation Building
and Nalcor scribbling the private testimony of individual callers, parsing its
ubiquity, and debating whether the Premier or the Finance Minister should
respond, is proof of their utility.
When the subject of Muskrat Falls arises and Nalcor is forced into the light to confess the latest cost overrun or some other shag-up dealing with leaky cofferdams or faulty transmission wire, the joy of the show — for me — has long been the guessing game over which of the two buckos, Ed or Gil, would emerge, if only to ‘gild the lily’.
When the subject of Muskrat Falls arises and Nalcor is forced into the light to confess the latest cost overrun or some other shag-up dealing with leaky cofferdams or faulty transmission wire, the joy of the show — for me — has long been the guessing game over which of the two buckos, Ed or Gil, would emerge, if only to ‘gild the lily’.
Let’s not
get too carried away. We are talking about radio talk shows – except in this
province their elevation to news status demonstrates the extent to which journalism
has taken a backseat. It seems even that gift from the VOICE OF THE COMMON MAN is, at best, tenuous.
occasional joy erupts when an ebullient host is energized enough to forget who
inhabits the back office and to say what he really thinks. Soucy was a
passionate host. His undoing might well have been that he cared about the big
picture issues (especially Muskrat), the fiscal situation, and even some less engaging topics, like aquaculture. For that reason, it remains a worry that his passions were
an aggravation to his boss who, it should be recalled, is still due an ass-kicking
for having had the temerity to be one of the first flag-wavers in favour of
Muskrat. It's not just Danny Williams who reminds us of the disconnect between wealth and commonsense.
Of course,
whether the bosses want toadies or talent, every open line show should be
hosted by someone who is intelligent, knowledgeable, well-prepared, and patient
enough to create an environment in which callers are welcome and their opinions
valued. Pete Soucy was truly that kind of host. Hence a legitimate question
might be: of the three hosts, why him?
All that
intelligence, talent, patience, and passion lost from a role to which Pete was
ideally suited just seems like an enormously bad decision.
Chalk one up
for the purveyors of opacity, for the dark corners of deceit, for political and
governmental insouciance.
You just
know that the bastards at Nalcor have won another round.
It is not
OK. But it is VOCM — not Pete Soucy — that has been diminished by his departure.